Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Worse than hearing Eddie Murphy's eighties sensation: "Party all the Time"

A collection of things I've heard round the boardroom table at my last
place of employment or why I tell the truth as often as Kevin Federline.

"Then through the defeathering process, you basically end up with fecal
soup." (Actualy true.)

"We want you to think of a box, within a box, and when you're concepting,
think outside of that second box."

"That layout reminds me of my mother-in-law's wash & set."

"Let's save some production dollars and do all of the CG in house."

"How am I supposed to approve this ad when I'm drunk?"

"I'd like it, if I were a Jewish Mexican."

"Can you hire this guy Kevin Roddy to do the assignment?"

"I want you to use this color scheme I found in my daughter's Tiger Beat."


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