Diversifying the workplace, without wearing a hair-net.
So my life has changed dramatically in the last 3 and 1/3 weeks of no-postdom.
I'm selling the only home I really ever loved enough to buy, packed up all my junk,
and headed to a land where your life's worth is defined by how many of the Red Sox's
children you can recite backwards in order of childbirth.
Bonus for categorizing them by weight & actual time in labor.
I don't think I had ever regarded Baseball as America's pastime either, until now.
Somehow I ended up in a local Bean Town dive, and a veritble Jimmy Swaggert
of Fenwayness, cast my demons out. Soon thereafter, we went to Just for Feet
and bought matching Nike tennis shoes. We're supposed to go to a comet watching
ritual next Thursday.
So enough of that, In regards to my new job I bring not only talent, hopefully,
but also a .0000000187% skew of Hispanic diversity they can throw into their global
logarithms for the next Adweek report card.
It's weird being the only Latino in Tri-State area. I had to Google-Image the word
Mexicano just to remember what my family looks like. I even watched the
George Lopez show. And he's white.
I'm selling the only home I really ever loved enough to buy, packed up all my junk,
and headed to a land where your life's worth is defined by how many of the Red Sox's
children you can recite backwards in order of childbirth.
Bonus for categorizing them by weight & actual time in labor.
I don't think I had ever regarded Baseball as America's pastime either, until now.
Somehow I ended up in a local Bean Town dive, and a veritble Jimmy Swaggert
of Fenwayness, cast my demons out. Soon thereafter, we went to Just for Feet
and bought matching Nike tennis shoes. We're supposed to go to a comet watching
ritual next Thursday.
So enough of that, In regards to my new job I bring not only talent, hopefully,
but also a .0000000187% skew of Hispanic diversity they can throw into their global
logarithms for the next Adweek report card.
It's weird being the only Latino in Tri-State area. I had to Google-Image the word
Mexicano just to remember what my family looks like. I even watched the
George Lopez show. And he's white.
i love america
Just Mexicans and a blank canvas.
If they go away, who'll Art Direct my food at restaurants? My brother?
He'd kick ass.
The people are brown.
I love Mexicans.
They are ther original guerilla advertising.
If you'll excuse me, I have to go hit on our 756 interns from the window of my Viper.
I think Bob Barrie might be 1/38th Mexican.
Is there such a food as Bos-Mex?
Bos-Mex tastes like dirty socks and irony.
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